Listening attentively together for the voice of God
"People who choose spiritual direction
do so because they want to pay closer attention to their relationship with God...
Typical spiritual direction questions are
"Where is God in this?" or
"Where has God gone and why don't I sense any divine presence at all?" or
"How am I being called to be Christlike?"
- Jeannette A. Bakke, Holy Invitations

What is Spiritual Direction like?
Spiritual direction provides a quiet space where we can slow down, become aware of God, and open up to His love. We often orient ourselves by listening carefully to a passage of scripture. Special attention is given to prayer and to what is happening between the directee and Christ - what is going well in the relationship, and where the difficulties lie. Grief, confusion, sin, doubt, fear, anger, and feeling abandoned by God are all brought into the light of Jesus' presence. We learn to attune to Jesus' love, delight, and commitment to be present with us in easy and hard things (Zeph.3:17).
My training includes a two-year certificate in Spiritual Direction (Selah Spiritual Direction, LTI https://www.leadershiptransformations.org/selah/), Level II Healing Prayer training (Christian Healing Ministries, Judith MacNutt), MA in pastoral counseling, and am receiving training in Immanuel Prayer Approach.
Appointments are available in person and online. Contact me via the email address below. I would love to hear from you and listen to your story. You are deeply loved by God!
"I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope."
Psalm 103:5
Appointments are available by emailing
bystillwaters8@gmail.com or filling out the form below

Celah Pence
Harrisonburg, VA, USA
RETREATS offered:
Sabbath Healing Retreat, (Women's retreat) October 25-27, 2019
​ Smith Mountain Lake, VA​
Come and You Will See Retreat, November 12, 2022, 10:00am - 2:00pm, Bridgewater VA
Trusting God - Psalm 23 Retreat, February 25, 2023, Bridgewater VA . Attendance limited to Mt Clinton Mennonite Church Women
Fill out the form on the right to set up spiritual direction or to be included in mailings for future retreats.